Tag Archives: eta

Egunkaria askatu da!

At the time of its closing, in 2003, Egunkaria was the only daily newspaper published solely in Euskara.  It had been in operation for 13 years.  In 2003, however, Spanish authorities raided the offices of Egunkaria, confiscating computers and equipment, and arresting many of the leading figures of the newspaper.  The charges were association with […]

Books: Estimated Time of Arrest by Delphine Pontvieux and The Lone Man by Bernardo Atxaga

Two men, both with connections to militants in their past.  Both trying to start new lives.  Both pulled back into their past, altering their futures forever. That is about where the similarities between Delphine Pontvieux’s ETA — Estimated Time of Arrest and Bernardo Atxaga’s The Lone Man end.  While The Lone Man is a psychologically […]