Ekaitzaldi: Basque Music Blog

Sometimes, learning about Basque music when you reside outside of Euskadi can be difficult.  There are new media available, including streaming music on the internet, but, still, it can be difficult to really sample and discover new groups.

Txema of Bilbo sent me a link to Ekaitzaldi, a blog that covers a wide range of Basque music.  The only criterion is that the music was made in Euskadi.  The styles range from punk to classical to, it appears, Latin as well.   What’s more, and what may be questionable, legally, the blog offers downloads of the music.  But, it might be a way to sample music before buying it.

International Center for the Basque Diaspora

benoit-etcheverry-iraty.JPGekaina-2008-005.jpgBenoit Etcheverry, the EuskoSare coordinator for France, is also heavily involved in creating the International Center for the Basque Diaspora.  I previously posted  an announcement in which they were looking for volunteers to help renovate Azkarate Castle to serve as this Center.   Benoit,photo-014.jpg pictured at left, sent me a couple of photos  of the Center, showing the current state of things.  It looks great!  I can’t wait to visit!  Click on the photos of the Center to get a bigger version.

Short Film Contest

Rosa Totorica, the US coordinator for EuskoSare, wrote to share the news about EuskoSare’s first online Short Film Contest, EuskoMovie 2008!  They are looking for any film, recorded in any way, that is about 2 minutes or less and references Basque culture.  The deadline is July 20, and there is a cash prize (1200 euros, which is a lot more dollars!).  So, if you are at all interested, check out this announcement for more information.

Slight redesign

I’ve made a slight redesign of the boxes on the right sidebar.  Nothing dramatic, just a subtle change.  The big differences are that the poll is a new format and the webnote list is gone.  I’m not sure anyone cared about the webnote list.  If removing that is something people care strongly about, let me know.  And I hope that the new poll is “new and improved”.

Changes to Buber’s Basque Page


In a change that I hope that both is relatively transparent but at the same time makes both administering and using this site that much better, I’ve made the front page of Buber’s Basque Page a blog, using WordPress.  I hope that this makes posting new items a bit easier for me, so I do it more often.  It will also allow visitors to post comments on the items I post, increasing the overall usefulness of the site.

I’m trying to make sure nothing is broken, but I’m sure there are things.  If you see anything broken, please let me know.

Eskerrik asko,
