Tag Archives: Morrison-knudsen

Fighting Basques: The Seven Basques of the Alamo of the Pacific. The Battle of Wake, 1941 (Part II of II)

This article original appeared in Spanish at EuskalNews.eus. You can find Part I here. By Pedro J. Oiarzabal and Guillermo Tabernilla The Evacuation of Wake After the Japanese occupation of Wake Island on December 23, 1941, both military personnel and civilians were made prisoners of war without distinction, beginning an inhumane treatment that would continue […]

Fighting Basques: The Seven Basques of the Alamo of the Pacific. The Battle of Wake, 1941 (Part I of II)

This article original appeared in Spanish at EuskalNews.eus. By Pedro J. Oiarzabal and Guillermo Tabernilla “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” (Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols, 1888). Operation Rainbow 5 The escalation of tensions between Japan and the United States during the 1930s focused attention on the Pacific […]

Fighting Basques: Six Basques at Pearl Harbor, The Day of Infamy

This article originally appeared in its Spanish form in El Diario. War was inevitable. The United States – despite its “neutrality” and even without considering the huge supply of raw materials and war machinery it would send to the United Kingdom in the near future – was the only country capable of standing in the way […]