Guillermo Zubiaga sent me this strange and funny bit from Los Grandes Enigmas de Martin Mystere, Investigador de lo Imposible, a Spanish translation of an Italian comic published in 1982. In the comic, the hero encounters an unknown tribe in Belize. I don’t know anything about the plot, but there are a few scenes in which the tribesmen are talking amongst themselves and they inexplicably converse in Euskara.
However odd that might be, it doesn’t compare with what that the Euskara translates to…
Soooo…. when did the Basques move to the Amazon?….. We never dressed like that…..
Berdin zait , should really translate as I’m indifferent as in I don’t care, me da igual , in Castilian.
Thanks for the correction! I’ll have to update that at some point. 🙂