Buber’s Basque Page Annual Report

2012-year-in-bloggingA new feature of WordPress is to generate an annual report of activity for a given blog. I thought I’d share mine, just because. The report is here. It only has data since I activated “Jet Pack”, so since roughly May. And it only reflects visits to the main blog site and not the side pages that are part of the original Buber’s Basque Page.

The main thing is that I guess I’ve only done about 21 posts since May. Not so much. I always have the best intentions of doing more, but clearly I don’t get it done. We’ll see if I can do better this year.

Also, the posts don’t seem to generate many comments. I would like to generate more dialog with my visitors, but I’m not quite sure how to go about doing that. Any suggestions?

Overall, I would like to get some opinions on what people would like to see from this blog and this site more generally. Of course, the best intentions are often derailed by the demands of everyday life, but I will certainly do my best.

Urte berri on denari!


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