All posts by buber

Basque Cider Houses

This article in the UK’s Guardian introduces 10 different Basque Cider Houses, or Sagardotegiak.  If you haven’t sampled Basque “Apple Wine” (the literal translation of sagardoa), you need to do yourself a favor and head to one of these Sagardotegiak. I’ve been fortunate enough to visit two Sagardotegiak, one outside of Donostia when I spent […]

Oreka TX and the Txalaparta

If you haven’t ever heard the txalaparta, you are missing out.  Originally an instrument of communication, the txalaparta has become a central part of modern Basque folk music. The txalaparta is a set of planks, often about 5, that two people play together.  As such, it is billed as the only instrument in the world […]

Memories of Jaialdi

The title of this post may strike some as romantic, but really it’s just that it has been so long since Jaialdi and taken me so long to do this post, that indeed I’m working on memories, and I don’t have the best of memories in the first place… For those that don’t know, Jaialdi […]

Nor Naiz, Gu Gara: Gonzalo Aranguren

Nor Naiz, Gu Gara (Who I Am, We Are) is a series aiming to explore the meaning of Basque Identity around the world, both within Euskal Herria as well as in the diaspora.  For an introduction to the series, look here, and for a list of the previous entries, look here. What does being Basque […]

Nor Naiz, Gu Gara: Pedro Oiarzabal

Nor Naiz, Gu Gara (Who I Am, We Are) is a series aiming to explore the meaning of Basque Identity around the world, both within Euskal Herria as well as in the diaspora.  For an introduction to the series, look here, and for a list of the previous entries, look here. The Trees, The Forest, […]


Paul Etxeberri alerted me to the .eus campaign to create a Top Level Domain for the Basque Country.  From, the website promoting this effort: “An endangered language will progress if its speakers can make use of electronic technology” David Crystal [ Cambridge University, 2004 ] “languages without social prestige will disappear” Amadeu Abril i […]