The Crime of Old Blas, Part I, by Catulle Mendes

I found this searching for old texts related to the Basque Country. This story is set in the Basque Country, though that is the only Basque connection of the story. But, it also features two characters named Blas, so I had a particular affinity to it. Parts II and III will be coming soon.

The Crime of Old Blas


Catulle Mendes

Part I: Old Blas and Young Blas

It is a pleasant thing to begin a hard day’s work by sitting down in the low-ceilinged dining-room of the farm house, amid the copper vessels glistening in the opening daylight, before the well scrubbed wooden table and, leaning drowsily on the elbow, to eat long slices of black bread, moistened in milk still foaming round the edge of the bowl.

Cadije, twenty-nine years old, bare-armed, her rosy face made still more glowing by her red cotton, Basque head-dress, goes to the foot of the staircase and cries, “Heavens! are they deaf, those people up there ? Halloo, father, husband, boy! Are you not ashamed to be sleeping still, after I am up?”

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Today in Basque History: Battle of Cocherel, Invasion of Nafarroa, Bilbao Fortune

Unfortunately, I’ve been too swamped with work to keep up with the Today in Basque History articles.  I’ll do them as I get a chance, and hopefully fill in missing days in future years.  If anyone would like to assist me in this endeavor, please feel free to contact me.

1364: The Battle of Cocherel takes place. Charles II of Nafarroa had designs on the Duchy of Burgundy, which the newly crowned Charles V of France wished to give to his brother, Philip II. In the Battle of Cocherel, Nafarroan forces under the command of Jean de Grailly, an English knight and Captal of Buch, meet French forces led by Bertrand du Guesclin, who soundly defeated the Nafarroans. The Navarran army took up a defensive position, as was standard English tactics, forcing du Guesclin to be the aggressor. Du Guesclin managed to break the defensive formation by attacking and then pretending to retreat, which tempted the enemy from their hill in pursuit. A flank attack by du Guesclin’s reserve then won the day. The victory forced Charles II into a new peace with the French king, and secured Burgundy for Philip.

1521: A French-Nafarroan army, led by André de Foix, Lord of Asparros, invades High Nafarroa via Roncesvalles with the end of reconquering kingdom of Nafarroa for King Henry II of Albret. Two days later, the Lord of Asparros, leading his army, reaches Villava. On the following day, the 19th of May, he receives a delegation of distinguished men from Pamplona, who had risen against the Spanish. The Lord of Asparros hears and accepts their demands. That same day, according to tradition, he swears to keep and respect the Fueros of Nafarroa while the delegation swears allegiance to Henry II.

1800: Simon Gurtubay Zubero, Bizkaian businessman, is born in Igorre. An error, legendary in the history of the town, changed his fortune. During the second Carlist siege of Bilbao, he sent a telegram to his suppliers, asking to send him “100 o 120” pieces of bacalao of highest quality. A typographic error replaced the “o” with a “0”, and he received 1,000,120 pieces. This filled the food shortage of the besieged city, popularized the ues of cod, and made him one of the first fortunes of Bilbao.

Today in Basque History: Pedro de Ayala, Juan de Onate, Basque theater, and more

1407-04-161407: Pedro II López de Ayala, politician and writer born in Vitoria, dies in Calahorra. He originally supported Pedro of Castille in his claim to the throne before switching sides to support the pretender to the throne, Henry of Trastamara. He fought with Henry at the Battle of Najera (Navarette) in 1367 and was captured by the Black Prince but was later released. He is best remembered for his Libro Rimado de Palacio (“Palace Verse” or “Rhymes of the Court”), in which he acidly describes his contemporaries and their social, religious, and political values.

1605-04-161605: Juan De Oñate, founder of Santa Fe, New Mexico, inscribes his name on El Moro, a sandstone promontory that features ancient Native American petroglyphs. The Inscription reads “Passed by here the Governor Don Juan De Oñate, from the discovery of the Sea of the South on the 16th of April, 1605.”

1825: Willem J. Van Eys, Dutch linguist who dedicated more than 30 years of his life to the study of Euskara, is born in Amsterdam.

1861: Toribio Alzaga Anabitarte is born in Donostia. He is the most popular author of works for theater in the Basque language. He wrote his comedy, Aterako gera (We will leave) in 1888 from his refuge in Ziburu. From then on, he dedicated his life to comedies and even opera, always in Euskara.

1933: The second Aberri Eguna, or Basque National Day, is celebrated in Donostia. The central meeting takes place in the field of Atotxa. Speakers include Manuel Carrasco Formiguera, President of the Democratic Union of Catalonia and Francesc Maspons Anglasell and Ewal Ammende, vice president and general secretary of the Congress of European Nationalities (CNE).

1989: Pedro Manuel de Arístegui Petit, Gipuzkoan diplomat, is killed in Beirut, along with his father-in-law and sister-in-law, by a Syrian rocket while he was Spain’s ambassador to Lebanon.

Signed copy of ETA – Estimated Time of Arrest by Delphine Pontvieux

MissNyet HIGHRESDelphine Pontvieux, author of ETA – Estimated Time of Arrest, has a special offer for readers of Buber’s Basque Page:

During the month of April, when you buy ETA – Estimated Time of Arrest on, you will receive a special “Estimated Time of Arrest” bookmark for free, as well as a signed copy of the book by the author!

Offer valid until April 30th, 2010 only on purchases made via

Egunkaria askatu da!

egunkaria-p13At the time of its closing, in 2003, Egunkaria was the only daily newspaper published solely in Euskara.  It had been in operation for 13 years.  In 2003, however, Spanish authorities raided the offices of Egunkaria, confiscating computers and equipment, and arresting many of the leading figures of the newspaper.  The charges were association with ETA.  Those arrested were Iñaki Uria, Joan Mari Torrealdai, Txema Auzmendi, Xabier Alegria, Pello Zubira, Xabier Oleaga, and Martxelo Otamendi, who was editor of the paper.

In a case that has lasted these 7 years, the five defendants that were still being prosecuted — Iñaki Uria, Juan Mari Torrealdai, Jose Maria Auzmendi, Xabier Oleaga and Martxelo Otamendi — were finally acquitted of any wrong doing.  During this time, Martxelo went on to become editor of Berria, currently the only Euskara-only newspaper in the Basque Country.  But, the actions by the Spanish authorities did result in the liquidation of Egunkaria’s assets and thus the closure of the newspaper, a result of a set of charges that not once lead to any conviction.

For more information, see this Wikipedia entrythis report on EiTB, and this article by the Guardian.

Today in Basque History: Battle of Najera, King of Sardinia, Aizkolaris

1367: The Battle of Nájera, also known as the Battle of Navarrete, is fought between an Anglo-Gascon army and Franco-Castilian forces near Nájera, in the province of La Rioja. The English are led by Edward, the Black Prince, and John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, allied with Pedro of Castile (called “The Cruel”) against his brother Enrique II or Henry of Trastámara. Pedro and Enrique had been in armed conflict, the Castilian Civil War, for some time before the intervention of foreign powers had been sought. The English forces destroy those of Enrique II. Carlos II of Nafarroa was also allied with Pedro.

1849: Carlos Alberto, king of Sardinia, arrives in Tolosa and abdicates his crown to his son Victor Emanuel, king of Italy.

1928: The aizkolaris Ignacio Iriarte and Miguel Ibarbia (“Mendiola”) battle in Azpeitia over 4 logs of 60 inches. The last hack of both men fall at the same time. The judge, “Atxumberri,” gives the victory to Mendiola. Iriarte, dissatisfied, calls for revenge 22 years later, in June 4 1950. Mendiola wins again.

Altxor Bila by David Cox: Gaueko Lan Musika: Basque music and links with kindred peoples

It is interesting to compare the role that music plays among peoples who are considered national minorities.

Given the obvious commonality of interest, it’s surprising how few of these links are easily uncovered. Basques have survived because of their historical cultural isolation, which is now changing. The situation of being outnumbered in one’s own land, or of seeking greater political jurisdiction, is one shared by hundreds of peoples worldwide. These links are often expressed in popular music – one of the key vehicles for the transmission of culture.

Since the 60s many Basques have realized how important it is to sing in their own language and to play their own traditional music and instruments. And many musicians who are speakers of lesser-used languages have done the same.

The most obvious links for Basque musicians are those within Western Europe and North Africa as well as those with Quebecers and aboriginal peoples in North America.

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Today in Basque History: Truce of Orthez, End of Civil War, Basque Cyclist Born

1513: An agreement is signed between Ferdinand the Catholic and Louis XII of France. Mistakenly referred to as the Truce of Orthez, Louis XII agrees to abandon the cause of the dethroned king of Nafarroa Juan de Albret. Ferdinand the Catholic orders the Marquis of Comares to occupy all of Behe-Nafarroa.

1939: General Franco officially ends the Spanish Civil War, after the fall of Madrid, the last city still resisting the Nationalist forces. Franco proclaimed victory via a radio broadcast. After the war, there were harsh reprisals against Franco’s former enemies.

1977-04-011977: Haimar Zubeldia, cyclist, is born in Usurbil, Gipuzkoa. He debuted as a professional in March, 1998, as part of the Euskadi-Euskaltel team. In 2003, his third time participating in the Tour de France, he finished in fifth place.

Today in Basque History: Treaty of Briones, Conspiracy against Magellan, Governor of Chile, Durango is Bombed, Pact of Baiona

1379: Carlos II of Nafarroa, “the Bad,” is forced to sign the Treaty of Briones between Castilla and Nafarroa, in which Castilla is given several cities for 10 years and Carlos promises not to marry any of his children to English royalty.

1520: Magellan’s expedition reaches the San Julian river, on the coast of what is now Argentina. It is here that some of Magellan’s crew begins to conspire against him, and the Gipuzkoan Juan de Elorriaga, master of the ship Trinidad, is killed.

1656: Juan Andres de Ustariz is born in Narvarte, Nafarroa. In 1709, he becomes the governor of Chile.

1937-03-311937: Durango, Bizkaia, is bombed. This is the first systematic bombing of a civilian population during the Spanish Civil War. The bombing begins at 8:30 in the morning and lasts about 30 minutes. The bombing continues in the afternoon. It is estimated that 130 people died directly in the bombing and another 110 died as a consequence within a few days. Many survivors flee to Gernika, which is bombed about one month later. Otxandio, in the south of Bizkaia, and Elorrio are also bombed on this day.

1945: The pact of Baiona is signed, in which all of the political and labor organizations declare their support for the Basque Government, now in exile, and organize the Basque Advisory Council.

Today in Basque History: Goya, Temple of Reason, Euskal Erria in Montevideo, Creation of HAS

220px-Goya_selfportrait1746: Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes is born in Fuendetodos, Aragón. His grandparents were from Zerain, Gipuzkoa.  Goya goes on to be one of the most important romantic painters.  Besides being named First Court Painter by Charles IV, Goya chronicled the Peninsular War through his art in the series The Disasters of War.  After becoming deaf in 1792 after a sickness, his paintings take on a much darker atmosphere.  In particular, his Caprichos depicts “the innumerable foibles and follies to be found in any civilized society, and from the common prejudices and deceitful practices which custom, ignorance, or self-interest have made usual.”

1794: It is decreed that the church in Aroue, Zuberoa, be taken and that a Temple to Reason be established there. The silverware and cloth of the church is to be confiscated and sent to the district of Mauleon.

1912: The Centro Vasco Euskal Erria is founded in Montevideo, Uruguay. It was proceded by a circular entitled “Arriba Euskaros” and by the work of Euskaldunak Denak Bat, an organization founded in San Jose by Regino Galdos originally of Vallabona and Atanasio Zabala.

1974: The political party Herriko Alderdi Sozialista is founded. In 1975, it merged with Euskal Elderdi Sozialista, forming EHAS, and later HASI, a component, in 1979, of Herri Batasuna. It is founded in Baiona by the more radical wing of Enbata, including Manex Pagola, Manex Goiheneche, J.L. Davant, and Battito Larzabal.